Cohomology algebra of orbit spaces of free involutions on the product of projective space and 4-sphere

  • Ying Sun

    Tianjin University, China
  • Jianbo Wang

    Tianjin University, China
Cohomology algebra of orbit spaces of free involutions on the product of projective space and 4-sphere cover
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Let be a finitistic space with the mod cohomology of the product space of a projective space and a -sphere. Assume that admits a free involution. In this paper we study the mod cohomology algebra of the quotient of by the action of the free involution and derive some consequences regarding the existence of -equivariant maps between such and an -sphere.

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Ying Sun, Jianbo Wang, Cohomology algebra of orbit spaces of free involutions on the product of projective space and 4-sphere. Port. Math. 80 (2023), no. 3/4, pp. 225–268

DOI 10.4171/PM/2105