Relations between minimal usco and minimal cusco maps
Ľubica Holá
Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovak RepublicDušan Holý
Trnavská univerzita v Trnave, Trnava, Slovak Republic

In our paper we give a characterization of (set-valued) maps which are minimal usco and minimal cusco simultaneously. Let be a topological space and be a Banach space. We show that there is a bijection between the space of minimal usco maps from to and the space of minimal cusco maps from to , and we study this bijection with respect to various topologies on underlying spaces. Let be a Baire space and be a Banach space. Then and are homeomorphic, where is the topology of uniform convergence.
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Ľubica Holá, Dušan Holý, Relations between minimal usco and minimal cusco maps. Port. Math. 70 (2013), no. 3, pp. 211–224
DOI 10.4171/PM/1931