Rank-one ECS manifolds of dilational type

  • Andrzej Derdzinski

    The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA
  • Ivo Terek

    The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA
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We study ECS manifolds, that is, pseudo-Riemannian manifolds with parallel Weyl tensor which are neither conformally flat nor locally symmetric. Every ECS manifold has rank 1 or 2, the rank being the dimension of a distinguished null parallel distribution discovered by Olszak, and a rank-one ECS manifold may be called translational or dilational, depending on whether the holonomy group of a natural flat connection in the Olszak distribution is finite or infinite. Some such manifolds are in a natural sense generic, which refers to the algebraic structure of the Weyl tensor. Various examples of compact rank-one ECS manifolds are known: translational ones (both generic and nongeneric) in every dimension , as well as odd-dimensional nongeneric dilational ones, some of which are locally homogeneous. As we show, generic compact rank-one ECS manifolds must be translational or locally homogeneous, provided that they arise as isometric quotients of a specific class of explicitly constructed “model” manifolds. This result is relevant since the clause starting with “provided that” may be dropped: according to a theorem which we prove in another paper, the models just mentioned include the isometry types of the pseudo-Riemannian universal coverings of all generic compact rank-one ECS manifolds. Consequently, all generic compact rank-one ECS manifolds are translational.

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Andrzej Derdzinski, Ivo Terek, Rank-one ECS manifolds of dilational type. Port. Math. 81 (2024), no. 1/2, pp. 69–96

DOI 10.4171/PM/2110