Corrigendum and addendum to ‘‘Hierarchic control for a coupled parabolic system’’, Portugaliae Math. 73 (2016), 2: 115–137
Víctor Hernández-Santamaría
CINVESTAV del IPN, México DF, MexicoLuz de Teresa
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México DF, MexicoAlexander Poznyak
CINVESTAV del IPN, México DF, Mexico

In [2] we used three controls for a system of two coupled parabolic equations. We defined three functionals to be minimized and a hierarchy on the controls obtaining from the optimality condition a system of six coupled equations. In order to prove the null controllability, by means of the leader control acting only on the first equation, we give a proof of a Carleman inequality (Proposition 6.4) that in fact is incorrect. In this corrigendum we slightly modify the followers functionals given by (3) page 118 [2] in such a way that for the corresponding hierarchic system a correct Carleman inequality can be proved. This modification allows to introduce a coefficient ( was zero in [2]).
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Víctor Hernández-Santamaría, Luz de Teresa, Alexander Poznyak, Corrigendum and addendum to ‘‘Hierarchic control for a coupled parabolic system’’, Portugaliae Math. 73 (2016), 2: 115–137. Port. Math. 74 (2017), no. 2, pp. 161–168
DOI 10.4171/PM/1998