Cross varieties of aperiodic monoids with central idempotents

  • Edmond W.  H. Lee

    Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, USA


Let denote the class of all aperiodic monoids with central idempotents. A description of all Cross subvarieties of , based on identities that they satisfy and monoids that they cannot contain, is given. The two limit subvarieties of , published by Marcel Jackson in 2005, turn out to be the only finitely generated, almost Cross subvarieties of . It follows that it is decidable in quartic time if a finite monoid in generates a Cross variety.

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Edmond W.  H. Lee, Cross varieties of aperiodic monoids with central idempotents. Port. Math. 68 (2011), no. 4, pp. 425–429

DOI 10.4171/PM/1900