The adjoint Reidemeister torsion for the connected sum of knots

  • Joan Porti

    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
  • Seokbeom Yoon

    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
The adjoint Reidemeister torsion for the connected sum of knots cover
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Let be the connected sum of knots . It is known that the -character variety of the knot exterior of has a component of dimension as the connected sum admits a so-called bending. We show that there is a natural way to define the adjoint Reidemeister torsion for such a high-dimensional component and prove that it is locally constant on a subset of the character variety where the trace of a meridian is constant. We also prove that the adjoint Reidemeister torsion of satisfies the vanishing identity if each does so.

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Joan Porti, Seokbeom Yoon, The adjoint Reidemeister torsion for the connected sum of knots. Quantum Topol. 14 (2023), no. 3, pp. 407–428

DOI 10.4171/QT/180