Exact Calabi–Yau categories and odd-dimensional Lagrangian spheres

  • Yin Li

    Columbia University, New York, USA
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An exact Calabi–Yau structure, originally introduced by Keller, is a special kind of smooth Calabi–Yau structure in the sense of Kontsevich–Vlassopoulos (2021). For a Weinstein manifold , the existence of an exact Calabi–Yau structure on the wrapped Fukaya category imposes strong restrictions on its symplectic topology. Under the cyclic open-closed map constructed by Ganatra (2019), an exact Calabi–Yau structure on induces a class in the degree one equivariant symplectic cohomology . Any Weinstein manifold admitting a quasi-dilation in the sense of Seidel–Solomon [Geom. Funct. Anal. 22 (2012), 443–477] has an exact Calabi–Yau structure on . We prove that there are many Weinstein manifolds whose wrapped Fukaya categories are exact Calabi–Yau despite the fact that there is no quasi-dilation in ; a typical example is given by the affine hypersurface . As an application, we prove the homological essentiality of Lagrangian spheres in many odd-dimensional smooth affine varieties with exact Calabi–Yau wrapped Fukaya categories.

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Yin Li, Exact Calabi–Yau categories and odd-dimensional Lagrangian spheres. Quantum Topol. 15 (2024), no. 1, pp. 123–227

DOI 10.4171/QT/199