Naturality of quantum trace maps for surfaces

  • Hyun Kyu Kim

    Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS), Seoul, Republic of Korea
Naturality of $\mathrm{SL}_{3}$ quantum trace maps for surfaces cover
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Fock–Goncharov’s moduli spaces of framed -local systems on punctured surfaces provide prominent examples of cluster -varieties and higher Teichmüller spaces. In a previous paper of the author (2022), building on the works of others, the so-called quantum trace map is constructed for each triangulable punctured surface and an ideal triangulation of , as a homomorphism from the stated -skein algebra of the surface to a quantum torus algebra that deforms the ring of Laurent polynomials in the cube-roots of the cluster coordinate variables for the cluster -chart for associated to . We develop quantum mutation maps between special subalgebras of the cube-root quantum torus algebras for different triangulations and show that the quantum trace maps are natural, in the sense that they are compatible under these quantum mutation maps. As an application, the quantum - duality map constructed in the previous paper is shown to be independent of the choice of an ideal triangulation.

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Hyun Kyu Kim, Naturality of quantum trace maps for surfaces. Quantum Topol. (2024), published online first

DOI 10.4171/QT/214