Holonomy and (stated) skein algebras in combinatorial quantization

  • Matthieu Faitg

    Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Holonomy and (stated) skein algebras in combinatorial quantization cover
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The algebra was introduced by Alekseev, Grosse, and Schomerus and by Buffenoir and Roche and quantizes the character variety of the Riemann surface (where is an open disk). In this article we define a holonomy map in that quantized setting, which associates a tensor with components in to tangles in , generalizing previous works of Buffenoir and Roche and of Bullock, Frohman, and Kania-Bartoszynska. We show that holonomy behaves well for the stack product and the action of the mapping class group; then we specialize this notion to links in order to define a generalized Wilson loop map. Thanks to the holonomy map, we give a geometric interpretation of the vacuum representation of on . Finally, the general results are applied to the case in relation to skein theory and the most important consequence is that the stated skein algebra of a compact oriented surface with just one boundary edge is isomorphic to . Throughout the paper, we use a graphical calculus for tensors with coefficients in which makes the computations and definitions very intuitive.

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Matthieu Faitg, Holonomy and (stated) skein algebras in combinatorial quantization. Quantum Topol. (2024), published online first

DOI 10.4171/QT/176