Non-loose negative torus knots
Irena Matkovič
Uppsala University, Sweden

We study Legendrian and transverse realizations of the negative torus knots in all contact structures on the -sphere. We give a complete classification of the strongly non-loose transverse realizations and the strongly non-loose Legendrian realizations with the Thurston–Bennequin invariant smaller than .
Additionally, we show that the strongly non-loose transverse realizations are classified by their non-zero invariants in the minus version of the knot Floer homology. However, not all the elements of can be realized.
Along the way, we relate our Legendrian realizations to the tight contact structures on the Legendrian surgeries along them. Specifically, we realize all tight structures on the lens space as a single Legendrian surgery on a Legendrian , and we relate transverse realizations in overtwisted structures to the non-fillable tight structures on the large negative surgeries along the underlying knots.
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Irena Matkovič, Non-loose negative torus knots. Quantum Topol. 13 (2022), no. 4, pp. 669–689
DOI 10.4171/QT/169