Non-Linear Partial Differential Equations, Mathematical Physics, and Stochastic Analysis
The Helge Holden Anniversary Volume
Fritz Gesztesy
Baylor University, Waco, USAHarald Hanche-Olsen
The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, NorwayEspen R. Jakobsen
The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, NorwayYurii I. Lyubarskii
The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, NorwayNils Henrik Risebro
University of Oslo, NorwayKristian Seip
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway

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pp. v–ix PrefaceFritz GesztesyHarald Hanche-OlsenEspen R. JakobsenYurii I. LyubarskiiNils Henrik RisebroKristian Seip
pp. 3–35 Optimal control of forward-backward stochastic Volterra equationsNacira AgramBernt ØksendalSamia Yakhlef
DOI 10.4171/186-1/1pp. 37–53 A unified approach to infinite dimensional integrals of probabilistic and oscillatory type with applications to Feynman path integralsSergio AlbeverioSonia Mazzucchi
DOI 10.4171/186-1/2pp. 55–71 The numbers lead a dance. Mathematics of the SestinaAlan R. ChampneysPoul G. HjorthHarry Man
DOI 10.4171/186-1/3pp. 73–95 Compensated compactness in Banach spaces and weak rigidity of isometric immersions of manifoldsGui-Qiang G. ChenSiran Li
DOI 10.4171/186-1/4pp. 97–109 The initial-boundary-value problem for an Ostrovsky–Hunter type equationGiuseppe Maria CocliteLorenzo di RuvoKenneth Hvistendahl Karlsen
DOI 10.4171/186-1/5pp. 111–128 Modeling crowd dynamics through hyperbolic – elliptic equationsRinaldo M. ColomboMaria GokieliMassimiliano D. Rosini
DOI 10.4171/186-1/6pp. 129–167 On the well-posedness of solutions with finite energy for nonlocal equations of porous medium typeFélix del TesoJørgen EndalEspen R. Jakobsen
DOI 10.4171/186-1/7pp. 169–181 On the spectrum of leaky surfaces with a potential biasPavel Exner
DOI 10.4171/186-1/8pp. 183–205 On the decay of almost periodic solutions of anisotropic degenerate parabolic-hyperbolic equationsHermano Frid
DOI 10.4171/186-1/9pp. 207–226 Factorizations and Hardy–Rellich-type inequalitiesFritz GesztesyLance Littlejohn
DOI 10.4171/186-1/10pp. 227–260 Symmetries and multipeakon solutions for the modified two-component Camassa–Holm systemKatrin GrunertXavier Raynaud
DOI 10.4171/186-1/11pp. 261–285 Vanishing viscosity solutions of Riemann problems for models of polymer floodingGraziano GuerraWen Shen
DOI 10.4171/186-1/12pp. 287–318 Efficient computation of all speed flows using an entropy stable shock-capturing space-time discontinuous Galerkin methodAndreas HiltebrandSiddhartha Mishra
DOI 10.4171/186-1/13pp. 319–347 Dispersion estimates for spherical Schrödinger equations with critical angular momentumMarkus HolzleitnerAleksey KostenkoGerald Teschl
DOI 10.4171/186-1/14pp. 349–379 Sixty years of moments for random matricesWerner KirschThomas Kriecherbauer
DOI 10.4171/186-1/15pp. 381–387 Bound states of Schrödinger type operators with Heisenberg sub-LaplacianAri LaptevAndrei Velicu
DOI 10.4171/186-1/16pp. 389–422 On Holden’s seven guidelines for scientific computing and development of open-source community softwareKnut-Andreas Lie
DOI 10.4171/186-1/17pp. 423–436 Sharp uniqueness results for discrete evolutionsYurii I. LyubarskiiEugenia Malinnikova
DOI 10.4171/186-1/18pp. 437–454 Spatial analyticity of solutions to nonlinear dispersive PDESigmund Selberg
DOI 10.4171/186-1/19