PDE Models for Chemotaxis and Hydrodynamics in Supercritical Function Spaces
Hans Triebel
University of Jena, Germany

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FrontmatterDownload pp. i–v | |
PrefaceDownload pp. vii–viii | |
ContentsDownload pp. ix–x | |
1 | Preliminariespp. 1–11 |
2 | Critical and supercritical spacespp. 13–17 |
3 | Mapping properties of Keller–Segel nonlinearitiespp. 19–38 |
4 | Equations of Keller–Segel typepp. 39–63 |
5 | Further PDE models for chemotaxispp. 65–93 |
6 | Navier–Stokes equationspp. 95–105 |
7 | Chemotaxis Navier–Stokes equationspp. 107–120 |
Bibliographypp. 121–126 | |
Symbolspp. 127–128 | |
Indexpp. 129–130 |