The Defocusing NLS Equation and Its Normal Form
Benoît Grébert
Université de Nantes, FranceThomas Kappeler
University of Zürich, Switzerland

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FrontmatterDownload pp. i–iv | |
PrefaceDownload pp. v–vi | |
ContentsDownload pp. vii–viii | |
List of Figuresp. ix | |
OverviewDownload pp. 1–6 | |
I | Zakharov-Shabat operatorspp. 7–25 |
II | Spectrapp. 26–61 |
III | Liouville coordinatespp. 62–104 |
IV | Birkhoff coordinatespp. 105–126 |
Appendicesp. 127 | |
A | Analytic mapspp. 128–134 |
B | Hamiltonian formalismpp. 135–140 |
C | Infinite productspp. 141–146 |
D | Fourier coefficientspp. 147–148 |
E | Multiplicities of eigenvaluespp. 149–150 |
F | Miscellaneous lemmaspp. 151–156 |
Referencespp. 157–159 | |
Indexpp. 161–163 | |
Notationspp. 164–166 |