3-Manifold Groups
Matthias Aschenbrenner
University of California Los Angeles, USAStefan Friedl
Universität Regensburg, GermanyHenry Wilton
University of Cambridge, UK

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FrontmatterDownload pp. i–iv | |
ContentsDownload pp. v–vi | |
Figures, Flowcharts, and Tablesp. vii | |
IntroductionDownload pp. ix–xiv | |
1 | Decomposition theoremspp. 1–26 |
2 | Classification of 3-manifolds by their fundamental groupspp. 27–41 |
3 | 3-manifold groups after geometrizationpp. 43–68 |
4 | The work of Agol, Kahn–Markovic, and Wisepp. 69–90 |
5 | Consequences of the Virtually Compact Special Theorempp. 91–113 |
6 | Subgroups of 3-manifold groupspp. 115–124 |
7 | Open questionspp. 125–145 |
Bibliographypp. 147–209 | |
Indexpp. 211–215 |