Mathematical Foundations of Supersymmetry
Claudio Carmeli
University of Genova, ItalyLauren Caston
RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, CA, USARita Fioresi
University of Bologna, Italy

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FrontmatterDownload pp. i–iv | |
PrefaceDownload p. v | |
IntroductionDownload pp. vii–ix | |
ContentsDownload pp. xi–xiii | |
1 | -graded linear algebrapp. 1–27 |
2 | Sheaves, functors and the geometric point of viewpp. 28–44 |
3 | Supergeometrypp. 45–53 |
4 | Differentiable supermanifoldspp. 54–89 |
5 | The local structure of morphismspp. 90–102 |
6 | The Frobenius theorempp. 103–111 |
7 | Super Lie groupspp. 112–140 |
8 | Actions of super Lie groupspp. 141–153 |
9 | Homogeneous spacespp. 154–172 |
10 | Supervarieties and superschemespp. 173–201 |
11 | Algebraic supergroupspp. 202–230 |
A | Lie superalgebraspp. 231–258 |
B | Categoriespp. 259–268 |
C | Fréchet superspacespp. 269–275 |
Bibliographypp. 277–281 | |
Indexpp. 283–287 |