Elements of Graph Theory
From Basic Concepts to Modern Developments
Alain Bretto
Université de Caen Normandie, FranceAlain Faisant
Université de Lyon – Université Jean Monnet Saint-Étienne, FranceFrançois Hennecart
Université de Lyon – Université Jean Monnet Saint-Étienne, France

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Front matterDownload pp. i–iv | |
About the authorsDownload p. vii | |
PrefaceDownload pp. ix–xi | |
ContentsDownload pp. xiii–xv | |
1 | Basic conceptspp. 1–32 |
2 | Some remarkable graphspp. 33–58 |
3 | (Di)graphs and data structurespp. 59–108 |
4 | Connectedness and flows in networkspp. 109–138 |
5 | Planar graphspp. 139–199 |
6 | Graphs and linear algebrapp. 201–230 |
7 | Colouringpp. 231–266 |
8 | Matching and factorisationpp. 267–295 |
9 | Graphs and group theorypp. 297–318 |
10 | Spectral theory and applicationspp. 319–363 |
11 | Random graphspp. 365–398 |
12 | Weighted graphs and their applicationspp. 399–443 |
13 | Other perspectivespp. 445–470 |
Referencespp. 471–473 | |
Indexpp. 475–482 | |
Symbols usedpp. 483–486 |