Regular, Quasi-regular and Induced Representations of Infinite-dimensional Groups
Alexander V. Kosyak
National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine

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FrontmatterDownload pp. i–v | |
PrefaceDownload pp. vii–xxv | |
ContentsDownload pp. xxvii–xxxii | |
1 | Introduction and Preliminariespp. 1–34 |
2 | Regular representations of groups and pp. 35–109 |
3 | Quasi-regular representations of the groups , , and Borpp. 111–216 |
4 | Quasi-regular representations of , product of m-dimensional Gaussian measurespp. 217–262 |
5 | Elements of the modular theory for regular representationspp. 263–281 |
6 | von Neumann algebras generated by the regular representationspp. 283–343 |
7 | Induced representationspp. 345–384 |
8 | Description of the dual for the groups and . First stepspp. 385–388 |
9 | Ismagilov conjecture over a finite field pp. 389–478 |
10 | Irreducibility of the Koopman representations of GLpp. 479–521 |
11 | Regular representations of non-matrix infinite-dimensional groupspp. 523–531 |
12 | How to construct a triple for an infinite-dimensional group ?pp. 533–538 |
Bibliographypp. 539–549 | |
Indexpp. 551–555 |