Tractability of Multivariate Problems
Volume I. Linear Information
Erich Novak
University of Jena, GermanyHenryk Woźniakowski
Columbia University, New York, USA, and University of Warsaw, Poland

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FrontmatterDownload pp. i–v | |
PrefaceDownload p. vii | |
ContentsDownload pp. ix–xi | |
1 | Overviewpp. 1–2 |
2 | Motivation for Tractability Studiespp. 3–13 |
3 | Twelve Examplespp. 14–88 |
4 | Basic Concepts and Survey of IBC Resultspp. 89–154 |
5 | Worst Case Settingpp. 155–240 |
6 | Average Case Settingpp. 241–283 |
7 | Randomized Settingpp. 284–285 |
8 | Generalized Tractabilitypp. 286–340 |
A | Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces of Sobolev Typepp. 341–356 |
B | Gaussian Measurespp. 357–362 |
C | List of Open Problemspp. 363–364 |
Bibliographypp. 365–380 | |
Indexpp. 381–384 |