Metric Spaces, Convexity and Nonpositive Curvature
Second edition
Athanase Papadopoulos
IRMA, Strasbourg, France

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FrontmatterDownload pp. i–v | |
Preface to the second editionDownload p. vii | |
Preface to the first editionDownload p. viii | |
ContentsDownload pp. ix–xi | |
Introduction: Some historical markersDownload pp. 1–13 | |
1 | Lengths of paths in metric spacespp. 15–39 |
2 | Length spaces and geodesic spacespp. 40–87 |
3 | Maps between metric spacespp. 88–110 |
4 | Distancespp. 111–134 |
5 | Convexity in vector spacespp. 135–175 |
6 | Convex functionspp. 176–193 |
7 | Strictly convex normed vector spacespp. 194–202 |
8 | Busemann spacespp. 203–225 |
9 | Locally convex spacespp. 226–245 |
10 | Asymptotic rays and the visual boundarypp. 246–257 |
11 | Isometriespp. 258–279 |
12 | Busemann functions, co-rays and horospherespp. 280–292 |
Bibliographypp. 293–304 | |
Indexpp. 305–309 |