Memoirs of the European Mathematical Society
Books of this series published between 1 January 2022 and 31 December 2025 are accessible as open access under our Subscribe to Open model.
The Memoirs of the European Mathematical Society publish outstanding research contributions in individual volumes, in all areas of mathematics and with a particular focus on works that are longer and more comprehensive than usual research articles.
The collection's editorial board consists of the editors-in-chief of the Journal of the European Mathematical Society and the EMS Surveys in Mathematical Sciences, along with editors of book series of the publishing house of the EMS as well as other distinguished mathematicians.
All submitted works will go through a highly selective peer-review process.
The Memoirs are indexed in zbMATH Open and Mathematical Reviews. Furthermore, it is also indexed in the DOAJ.
The Memoirs are owned by the European Mathematical Society and adheres to its Code of Practice and the publisher's Code of Conduct and Publishing Ethics.

Anton Alekseev
Université de GenèveHélène Esnault
Freie Universität BerlinGerard van der Geer
Universiteit van AmsterdamAri Laptev
Imperial College LondonLaure Saint-Raymond
Institut des Hautes Études ScientifiquesSusanna Terracini
Università degli Studi di Torino