Calogero–Moser systems and representation theory
Pavel Etingof
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA

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FrontmatterDownload pp. i–v | |
ContentsDownload pp. vii–ix | |
IntroductionDownload pp. 1–3 | |
1 | Poisson manifolds and Hamiltonian reductionpp. 5–10 |
2 | Classical mechanics and integrable systemspp. 11–19 |
3 | Deformation theorypp. 21–27 |
4 | Quantum moment maps, quantum Hamiltonian reduction, and the Levasseur–Stafford theorempp. 29–37 |
5 | Quantum mechanics, quantum integrable systems, and quantization of the Calogero–Moser systempp. 39–45 |
6 | Calogero–Moser systems associated to finite Coxeter groupspp. 47–52 |
7 | The rational Cherednik algebrapp. 53–57 |
8 | Symplectic reflection algebraspp. 59–63 |
9 | Deformation-theoretic interpretation of symplectic reflection algebraspp. 65–67 |
10 | The center of the symplectic reflection algebrapp. 69–78 |
11 | Representation theory of rational Cherednik algebraspp. 79–86 |
Bibliographypp. 87–89 | |
Indexpp. 91–92 |