High Risk Scenarios and Extremes
A geometric approach
Guus Balkema
University of Amsterdam, The NetherlandsPaul Embrechts
ETH Zurich, Switzerland

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Frontmatter, Foreword, AcknowledgementsDownload pp. i–viii | |
ContentsDownload pp. ix–xiii | |
IntroductionDownload pp. 1–11 | |
PreviewDownload pp. 13–39 | |
I | Point Processesp. 41 |
1 | An intuitive approachpp. 41–47 |
2 | Poisson point processespp. 48–63 |
3 | The distributionpp. 63–69 |
4 | Convergencepp. 69–81 |
5 | Converging sample cloudspp. 81–99 |
II | Maximap. 100 |
6 | The univariate theory: maxima and exceedancespp. 100–110 |
7 | Componentwise maximapp. 110–122 |
III | High Risk Limit Lawsp. 123 |
8 | High risk scenariospp. 123–135 |
9 | The Gauss-exponential domain, rotund setspp. 135–147 |
10 | The Gauss-exponential domain, unimodal distributionspp. 147–156 |
11 | Flat functions and flat measurespp. 156–169 |
12 | Heavy tails and bounded vectorspp. 170–176 |
13 | The multivariate GPDspp. 176–181 |
IV | Thresholdsp. 182 |
14 | Exceedances over horizontal thresholdspp. 183–211 |
15 | Horizontal thresholds – examplespp. 211–230 |
16 | Heavy tails and elliptic thresholdspp. 230–263 |
17 | Heavy tails – examplespp. 263–295 |
18 | Regular variation and excess measurespp. 295–347 |
Open problemsp. 348 | |
19 | The stochastic modelpp. 349–356 |
20 | The statistical analysispp. 356–360 |
Bibliographypp. 361–368 | |
Indexpp. 369–375 |