An elementary and unified proof of Grothendieck’s inequality

  • Shmuel Friedland

    University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
  • Lek-Heng Lim

    University of Chicago, USA
  • Jinjie Zhang

    University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, USA and University of Chicago, USA


We present an elementary, self-contained proof of Grothendieck’s inequality that unifies the real and complex cases and yields both the Krivine and Haagerup bounds, the current best-known explicit bounds for the real and complex Grothendieck constants respectively. This article is intended to be pedagogical, combining and streamlining known ideas of Lindenstrauss–Pełczynski, Krivine, and Haagerup into a proof that needs only univariate calculus, basic complex variables, and a modicum of linear algebra as prerequisites.

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Shmuel Friedland, Lek-Heng Lim, Jinjie Zhang, An elementary and unified proof of Grothendieck’s inequality. Enseign. Math. 64 (2018), no. 3/4, pp. 327–351

DOI 10.4171/LEM/64-3/4-6