- journal article file
The Flow of Weights in Subfactor Theory
We end this section with a remark on the computability of flow of weights. For the type III0-case, cf. also [28]. In the single factor case, the flow of ...
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Operational K-Theory
Jan 26, 2015 ... arbitrary fiber squares as independent squares, and computability on relatively simple spaces, such as toric varieties. In future work, we ...
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2022 Abacus Medal: Mark Braverman
In the past decade, Mark Braverman has emerged as a major leader in theoretical computer science. He has an uncommon versatility and fearlessness that has ...
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Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics
Two computable operators have been conjectured to be jumps. Definition 1 (consistency jump). For a proof system P, define con(P), the consis- tency jump, to ...
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Set Theory
theory, set theory and Banach spaces, metric structures. Mathematics ... PRIN 2017-2017NWTM8R Mathematical Logic: models, sets, computability. MSC ...
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Spectral geometry of the Moyal plane with harmonic propagation
The main motivation for this example comes from noncommutative quantum field theory. Because of easy computability, quantum field theory on the Moyal plane is ...
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Diffeotopy Functors of ind-Algebras and Local Cyclic Cohomology
Nov 20, 2003 ... The second issue which distinguishes local cyclic cohomology among most other cyclic theories is its computability in terms of homological ...
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Transport and Scale Interactions in Geophysical Flows
The computability of this theoretical uncertainty distribution is demonstrated using oceanic velocity data. How to computationally leverage the obtained theory ...
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Amenability and acyclicity in bounded cohomology
Jan 21, 2023 ... theory of bounded cohomology was developed further and extended to topological groups by Burger and Monod [8, 27]. Among the first striking ...
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Fivebranes and knots
computability is not. It would be highly desirable to bridge the gap ... theory and string theory. (We have not yet described explicitly the relevant ...