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    Isolated orderings on amalgamated free products

    Here we briefly explain the computability of the resulting isolated ... Theory 17 (2014), no. 3, 465–524. Zbl 1329.20067 MR 3200370. [5] N. Dubrovin ...

  • journal article file

    Mathematical Methods in Quantum Molecular Dynamics

    Klein, From Koopman-von Neumann theory to quantum theory, Quantum Stud. Math ... remark, that local optimization by gradients methods requires the computability.

  • journal article file

    The conjugacy problem in groups of non-orientable 3-manifolds

    theory. Following the work of Novikov [25] and further authors on their ... Note also that the computability of the right coset function allows to ...

  • journal article file

    Simulations and the lamplighter group

    Kari, Cellular automata, tilings and (un)computability. In ... theory of ends, second- order logic, tiling problems, cellular automata, and ...

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    International Congress of Mathematicians 2022 July 6–14

    ... shape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 826. Camillo De Lellis, The regularity theory for the area functional (in geometric mea- sure ...

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    computability horizon. Martin Grötschel demonstrated the dif ... and arithmetics; K-theory and representation theory; K- theory and algebraic ...

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    Jun 15, 2000 ... theory (the topological stability conjecture or relative categoricity in abelian groups) and computability (computability and complexity) ...

  • journal article file

    Interview with Martin Raussen

    I also liked to learn about Turing machines, computability, and formal ... theory was still a hot topic. Thom had by then acquired a deep interest in ...

  • journal article file

    Regular left-orders on groups

    Darbinyan, Computability, orders, and solvable groups. J. Symb. Log ... theory, languages, and com- putation. Third edn., Addison-Wesley Ser. Comput ...

  • journal article file

    The crystallization conjecture: a review

    Beltrán, Harmonic properties of the logarithmic potential and the computability of elliptic ... [70] F. J. Dyson, Statistical theory of the energy levels of ...