Uhlenbeck Compactness
Katrin Wehrheim
MIT, Cambridge, USA

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FrontmatterDownload pp. i–iv | |
PrefaceDownload p. v | |
ContentsDownload p. vii | |
IntroductionDownload pp. 1–13 | |
Part I The Neumann Problemp. 15 | |
Introduction - The Neumann Problempp. 17–18 | |
1 | -Theorypp. 19–31 |
2 | -Theorypp. 33–41 |
3 | Inhomogeneous Boundary Conditionspp. 43–51 |
4 | Sections of Vector Bundlespp. 53–74 |
Part II Weak Compactnessp. 75 | |
5 | Regularity for 1-Formspp. 77–90 |
6 | Uhlenbeck Gaugepp. 91–106 |
7 | Patchingpp. 107–121 |
Part III Strong Compactnessp. 123 | |
8 | Local Slice Theoremspp. 125–140 |
9 | Yang-Mills Connectionspp. 141–152 |
10 | Proof of Strong Compactnesspp. 153–162 |
Part IV Appendixp. 163 | |
A | Gauge Theorypp. 165–178 |
B | Sobolev Spacespp. 179–191 |
C | -Multipliers, Mollifiers, and Poisson Kernelspp. 193–200 |
D | The Dirichlet Problempp. 201–202 |
E | Some Functional Analysispp. 203–205 |
List of Symbolspp. 207–208 | |
Indexpp. 209–210 | |
Bibliographypp. 211–212 |