The Regularity Theory for the Mumford–Shah Functional on the Plane

  • Camillo De Lellis

    Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, USA
  • Matteo Focardi

    Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy
The Regularity Theory for the Mumford–Shah Functional on the Plane cover

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Front matterDownload pp. i–iv
PrefaceDownload pp. vii–viii
ContentsDownload pp. ix–x
1Introductionpp. 1–16
2Density bounds, compactness, variations, and monotonicitypp. 17–48
3Pure jumps and triple junctionspp. 49–85
4The Bonnet–David rigidity theorem for cracktipspp. 87–135
5Epsilon regularity at the cracktippp. 137–179
6Some consequences of the epsilon-regularity theorypp. 181–208
AVariational identitiespp. 209–214
BEquivalence of SBV and classic formulationspp. 215–231
CUseful results from elementary topologypp. 233–235
DProof of Theorem 2.2.3pp. 237–246
EHirsch's coarea inequality for Hölder mapspp. 247–248
Referencespp. 249–251
List of symbolsp. 253
Indexpp. 255–256