Shigeyuki Kondō
Nagoya University, Japan

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FrontmatterDownload pp. i–v | |
Preface to the English translationDownload p. vii | |
PrefaceDownload p. ix | |
ContentsDownload pp. xi–xiii | |
0 | IntroductionDownload pp. 1–8 |
1 | Lattice theorypp. 9–26 |
2 | Reflection groups and their fundamental domainspp. 27–33 |
3 | Complex analytic surfacespp. 35–54 |
4 | surfaces and examplespp. 55–74 |
5 | Bounded symmetric domains of type IV and deformations of complex structurespp. 75–86 |
6 | The Torelli-type theorem for surfacespp. 87–117 |
7 | Surjectivity of the period map of surfacespp. 119–125 |
8 | Application of the Torelli-type theorem to automorphismspp. 127–136 |
9 | Enriques surfacespp. 137–170 |
10 | Application to the moduli space of plane quartic curvespp. 171–189 |
11 | Finite groups of symplectic automorphisms of surfaces and the Mathieu grouppp. 191–200 |
12 | Automorphism group of the Kummer surface associated with a curve of genus 2pp. 201–221 |
Bibliographypp. 223–229 | |
Indexpp. 231–236 |