Foundations of Garside Theory
Patrick Dehornoy
Université de Caen, FranceFrançois Digne
Université de Picardie Jules-Verne, Amiens, FranceEddy Godelle
Université de Caen, FranceDaan Krammer
University of Warwick, Coventry, UKJean Michel
Université Denis Diderot Paris 7, France

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FrontmatterDownload pp. i–iv | |
IntroductionDownload pp. v–xii | |
ContentsDownload pp. xiii–xviii | |
Part A General theoryp. 1 | |
I | Some examplespp. 3–25 |
II | Preliminariespp. 27–90 |
III | Normal decompositionspp. 91–168 |
IV | Garside familiespp. 169–225 |
V | Bounded Garside familiespp. 227–276 |
VI | Germspp. 277–318 |
VII | Subcategoriespp. 319–369 |
VIII | Conjugacypp. 371–433 |
Part B Specific examplesp. 435 | |
IX | Braidspp. 437–476 |
X | Deligne–Lusztig varietiespp. 477–497 |
XI | Left self-distributivitypp. 499–536 |
XII | Ordered groupspp. 537–566 |
XIII | Set-theoretic solutions of Yang–Baxter equationpp. 567–610 |
XIV | More examplespp. 611–655 |
Appendixpp. 657–670 | |
Bibliographypp. 671–684 | |
Indexpp. 685–691 |