Metric Measure Geometry
Gromov’s Theory of Convergence and Concentration of Metrics and Measures
Takashi Shioya
Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan

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FrontmatterDownload pp. i–iv | |
ContentsDownload pp. v–vi | |
IntroductionDownload pp. vii–xi | |
1 | Preliminaries from measure theorypp. 1–8 |
2 | The Lévy–Milman concentration phenomenonpp. 9–27 |
3 | Gromov–Hausdorff distance and distance matrixpp. 29–33 |
4 | Box distancepp. 35–63 |
5 | Observable distance and measurementpp. 65–88 |
6 | The space of pyramidspp. 89–101 |
7 | Asymptotic concentrationpp. 103–125 |
8 | Dissipationpp. 127–136 |
9 | Curvature and concentrationpp. 137–174 |
Bibliographypp. 175–178 | |
Indexpp. 179–182 |