Lecture Notes on Cluster Algebras
Robert J. Marsh
University of Leeds, UK

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FrontmatterDownload pp. i–iv | |
PrefaceDownload pp. 1–2 | |
ContentsDownload pp. 3–4 | |
1 | IntroductionDownload pp. 5–9 |
2 | Cluster algebraspp. 10–18 |
3 | Exchange pattern cluster algebraspp. 19–30 |
4 | Reflection groupspp. 31–48 |
5 | Cluster algebras of finite typepp. 49–62 |
6 | Generalized Associahedrapp. 63–74 |
7 | Periodicitypp. 75–83 |
8 | Quivers of finite mutation typepp. 84–89 |
9 | Grassmannianspp. 90–100 |
Bibliographypp. 101–109 | |
Nomenclaturepp. 111–113 | |
Indexpp. 115–117 |