Elliptic PDEs, Measures and Capacities
From the Poisson Equation to Nonlinear Thomas–Fermi Problems
Augusto C. Ponce
Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium

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FrontmatterDownload pp. i–iv | |
PrefaceDownload pp. v–vi | |
ContentsDownload pp. vii–x | |
0 | IntroductionDownload pp. 1–6 |
1 | The Laplacianpp. 7–19 |
2 | Poisson equationpp. 21–37 |
3 | Integrable versus measure datapp. 39–48 |
4 | Variational approachpp. 49–75 |
5 | Linear regularity theorypp. 77–93 |
6 | Comparison toolspp. 95–110 |
7 | Balayagepp. 111–121 |
8 | Precise representativepp. 123–137 |
9 | Maximal inequalitiespp. 139–153 |
10 | Sobolev and Hausdorff capacitiespp. 155–169 |
11 | Removable singularitiespp. 171–179 |
12 | Obstacle problemspp. 181–204 |
13 | Families of solutionspp. 205–213 |
14 | Strong approximation of measurespp. 215–234 |
15 | Traces of Sobolev functionspp. 235–255 |
16 | Trace inequalitypp. 257–274 |
17 | Critical embeddingpp. 275–297 |
18 | Quasicontinuitypp. 299–310 |
19 | Nonlinear problems with diffuse measurespp. 311–319 |
20 | Extremal solutionspp. 321–336 |
21 | Absorption problemspp. 337–350 |
22 | The Schrödinger operatorpp. 351–363 |
Appendicesp. 365 | |
A | Sobolev capacitypp. 367–383 |
B | Hausdorff measurepp. 385–393 |
C | Solutions and hints to the exercisespp. 395–413 |
Bibliographypp. 415–447 | |
Indexpp. 449–453 |