Estimates for Differential Operators in Half-space

Translated from the German by Darya Apushkinskaya

  • Igor W. Gel'man

    Akko, Israel
  • Vladimir G. Maz'ya

    Linköping University, Sweden, and University of Liverpool, UK
Estimates for Differential Operators in Half-space cover

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FrontmatterDownload pp. i–v
Translator’s PrefaceDownload p. vii
Authors’ AcknowledgementsDownload p. ix
Preface to the German EditionDownload pp. xi–xii
ContentsDownload pp. xiii–xvi
1Estimates for matrix operatorspp. 1–92
2Boundary estimates for differential operatorspp. 93–144
3Dominance of differential operatorspp. 145–178
4Estimates for a maximal operatorpp. 179–233
Notationpp. 235–237
Bibliographypp. 239–242
Indexpp. 243–246