Stochastic Quantization of the -Model
Tadahiro Oh
Beijing Institute of Technology, P. R. China; University of Edinburgh and Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences, UKMamoru Okamoto
Osaka University, JapanLeonardo Tolomeo
University of Bonn, Germany; University of Edinburgh and Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Edinburgh, UK

This book is published open access.
FrontmatterDownload pp. iβiv | |
AbstractDownload p. v | |
ContentsDownload pp. viiβviii | |
1 | IntroductionDownload pp. 1β22 |
2 | Notations and basic lemmasDownload pp. 23β27 |
3 | Construction of the -measure in the weakly nonlinear regimeDownload pp. 29β54 |
4 | Non-normalizability in the strongly nonlinear regimeDownload pp. 55β74 |
5 | Local well-posednessDownload pp. 75β92 |
6 | Invariant Gibbs dynamicsDownload pp. 93β131 |
A | Absolute continuity with respect to the shifted measureDownload pp. 133β140 |
ReferencesDownload pp. 141β145 |