Laplacians on Infinite Graphs
Aleksey Kostenko
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; and University of Vienna, AustriaNoema Nicolussi
University of Vienna, Austria

This book is published open access.
Front matterDownload pp. i–iv | |
AbstractDownload p. v | |
ContentsDownload pp. vii–viii | |
1 | IntroductionDownload pp. 1–14 |
2 | Laplacians on graphsDownload pp. 15–31 |
3 | Connections via boundary tripletsDownload pp. 33–52 |
4 | Connections between parabolic propertiesDownload pp. 53–79 |
5 | One-dimensional Schrödinger operators with point interactionsDownload pp. 81–95 |
6 | Graph Laplacians as boundary operatorsDownload pp. 97–132 |
7 | From continuous to discrete and backDownload pp. 133–164 |
8 | ExamplesDownload pp. 165–197 |
A | Boundary triplets and Weyl functionsDownload pp. 199–205 |
B | Dirichlet formsDownload pp. 207–210 |
C | Heat kernel boundsDownload pp. 211–212 |
D | Glossary of notationDownload pp. 213–215 |
IndexDownload pp. 217–219 | |
ReferencesDownload pp. 221–232 |