Cyclic Stratum of Frobenius Manifolds, Borel–Laplace -Multitransforms, and Integral Representations of Solutions of Quantum Differential Equations
Giordano Cotti
Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

This book is published open access.
Front matterDownload pp. i–iv | |
AbstractDownload pp. v–vi | |
ContentsDownload pp. vii–ix | |
1 | IntroductionDownload pp. 1–12 |
2 | Cyclic stratum of Frobenius manifoldsDownload pp. 13–26 |
3 | Gromov–Witten theoryDownload pp. 27–30 |
4 | Monodromy data of quantum cohomologyDownload pp. 31–37 |
5 | -function and quantum Lefschetz theoremDownload pp. 39–43 |
6 | Borel–Laplace -multitransformsDownload pp. 45–51 |
7 | Integral representations of solutions of qDEsDownload pp. 53–60 |
8 | Dubrovin conjectureDownload pp. 61–65 |
9 | Quantum cohomology of Hirzebruch surfacesDownload pp. 67–71 |
10 | Dubrovin conjecture for Hirzebruch surfaces Download pp. 73–80 |
11 | Dubrovin conjecture for Hirzebruch surfaces Download pp. 81–106 |
A | Proof of Theorem 5.1.2Download pp. 107–110 |
B | Coefficients and Download pp. 111–118 |
ReferencesDownload pp. 119–123 |