Long-Time Dispersive Estimates for Perturbations of a Kink Solution of One-Dimensional Cubic Wave Equations
Jean-Marc Delort
Université Sorbonne Paris-Nord, FranceNader Masmoudi
New York University Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates; Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, USA

This book is published open access.
AbstractDownload p. v | |
ContentsDownload pp. vii–ix | |
1 | IntroductionDownload pp. 1–30 |
2 | The kink problemDownload pp. 31–51 |
3 | First quadratic normal formDownload pp. 53–57 |
4 | Construction of approximate solutionsDownload pp. 59–80 |
5 | Reduced form of dispersive equationDownload pp. 81–102 |
6 | Normal formsDownload pp. 103–115 |
7 | Bootstrap: -estimatesDownload pp. 117–138 |
8 | estimates and end of bootstrapDownload pp. 139–154 |
A | Scattering for time independent potentialDownload pp. 155–163 |
B | (Semiclassical) pseudo-differential operatorsDownload pp. 165–176 |
C | Bounds for forced linear Klein–Gordon equationsDownload pp. 177–201 |
D | Action of multilinear operators on Sobolev and Hölder spacesDownload pp. 203–227 |
E | Wave operators for time dependent potentialsDownload pp. 229–252 |
F | Division lemmas and normal formsDownload pp. 253–267 |
G | Verification of Fermi’s golden ruleDownload pp. 269–271 |
ReferencesDownload pp. 273–277 | |
List of notationDownload pp. 279–280 |