The Limiting Absorption Principle for Massless Dirac Operators, Properties of Spectral Shift Functions, and an Application to the Witten Index of Non-Fredholm Operators
Alan Carey
Australian National University, Canberra; and University of Wollongong, AustraliaFritz Gesztesy
Baylor University, Waco, USAGalina Levitina
Australian National University, Canberra, AustraliaRoger Nichols
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, USAFedor Sukochev
University of New South Wales, Sydney, AustraliaDmitriy Zanin
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

This book is published open access.
Front matterDownload pp. i–iv | |
AbstractDownload pp. v–vi | |
ContentsDownload pp. vii–viii | |
1 | IntroductionDownload pp. 1–13 |
2 | Some background on (locally) smooth operatorsDownload pp. 15–21 |
3 | A limiting absorption principle for interacting, massless Dirac operatorsDownload pp. 23–35 |
4 | On the absence of eigenvalues for interacting, massless Dirac operatorsDownload pp. 37–39 |
5 | The Green’s functions of and Download pp. 41–47 |
6 | Trace ideal properties of and Download pp. 49–61 |
7 | Powers of resolvents and trace idealsDownload pp. 63–67 |
8 | The spectral shift function: Abstract factsDownload pp. 69–79 |
9 | Representing in terms of regularized Fredholm determinantsDownload pp. 81–89 |
10 | Analysis of Download pp. 91–117 |
11 | Analysis of Download pp. 119–143 |
12 | Analysis of and an application to theWitten index for a class of non-Fredholm operatorsDownload pp. 145–156 |
A | Some remarks on block matrix operatorsDownload pp. 157–161 |
B | Asymptotic results for Hankel functionsDownload pp. 163–174 |
C | Expansions and estimates of the free Dirac Green’s matrixDownload pp. 175–189 |
D | A product formula for modified Fredholm determinantsDownload pp. 191–198 |
E | Notational conventionsDownload pp. 199–202 |
ReferencesDownload pp. 203–213 |